Heirs of the Coven

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A forum holding the rules of a system and the actions of my players.

    Terra Invicta

    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 92
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Terra Invicta Empty Terra Invicta

    Post by Ginno the Seer Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:23 pm

    While I haven't actually played this, I've watched a lot of gameplay and the wiki is comprehensive, so I think that'll be enough for my purposes.

    Terra Invicta as a game is very close to what I want for my game, that being mostly everything the player does is accomplished through agents, or as this game calls them "Councilors".

    Each of the Councilors has a list of stats that as you might be able to guess raise the likelihood of success on missions.
    Persuasion - Persuasion is the ability to shape the opinions of others to your own.
    Investigation - Investigation is the councilor's ability to discover information someone would prefer to keep hidden.
    Espionage - Espionage is the ability to move in secret and conduct covert operations.
    Command - Command represents this councilor's ability to organize and lead combat operations.
    Administration - Administration is the ability to manage large organizations.
    Science - Science is the ability to investigate and analyze phenomena to derive new understandings of the universe and those who inhabit it.
    Security - Security is this councilor's ability to survive violence.

    Councilors do all the missions that the player needs doing, but, each Councilor has access to only a select variety of missions. What missions they have access to is determined by their "Profession". Someone who was a commando, as an example, is able to go on assassination missions on your behalf, meanwhile a Professor is better suited for more delicate matters such as advising or investigating alien activity.

    The list of professions itself is extensive and not going to be listed here, rather the mission types will be listed out. The following is the list, again, the numbers involved don't matter because we're not basing anything off them.
    Before the list, it's worth noting that each mission has an "Ops" or "Operations" cost, which is a resource that the player needs to manage. In terms of flavor text I'm sure it has to do with the bureaucracy and any help the agent the agents gets from your wider organization.

    Assassinate - Kills the targeted councilor.
    Assault Alien Asset - Lead a combat unit against the targeted alien asset.
    Assault Enemy Space Asset - Attempt to capture the targeted hab. Requires Marines at the councilor's location. Fleets must dock with enemy habs to launch an assault. Station may drop troops to the surface, and bases may assault nearby hab sites. Requires spare Mission Control.
    Control Nation - Gain an unowned control point in the targeted nation.
    Control Space Asset - Targeted hab or ship joins the councilor's faction.
    Coup d'Etat - Targeted nation's control points become unowned.
    Crackdown - Temporarily disables the benefits of the targeted control point, removes Defend Interests mission protection and increases the Purge mission success chance.
    Detain Councilor - Targeted councilor is detained for interrogation and their mission is canceled.
    Extract Councilor - Targeted detained councilor becomes free.
    Hostile Takeover - Seize an org from the targeted faction.
    Increase Unrest  - Increases unrest in the targeted region. Success in a region with an independence movement may trigger a secession.
    Inspire - Improve the loyalty of another councilor. May also bring back a turned councilor.
    Investigate Councilor - If used on a councilor from a different faction enables targeting them with other councilor missions and discovers more about their faction. If used on a councilor from the same faction it discovers their real Loyalty.
    Public Campaign - Increase Public Opinion in the targeted nation towards the councilor's faction.
    Purge - Gain an owned control point in the targeted nation.
    Sabotage Facilities - Sabotage the targeted space facility.
    Sabotage Hab Module - Sabotage the targeted non-core hab module in the current hab.
    Sabotage Project - Target a councilor or hab with an engineering module to remove progress on a project.
    Stabilize Nation - Reduces unrest in the targeted nation.
    Steal Project - Steal an engineering project you have prerequisites for from a faction by targeting one of their councilors or habs with an engineering module. May also acquire research if the enemy faction is ahead in its research income.
    Turn Councilor - Turns the selected councilor.
    Dominate Nation - Gain an owned control point in the targeted nation.

    Additionally there are something called "Uncontested Missions" which never fail.
    Advise - Provide expertise to a nation or hab. The councilor's Science, Command and Administration attributes will improve the target's research output, combat capabilities, and financial performance. Additional advising councilors provide diminishing benefits.
    Defend Interests - Fortify our control points in this nation against enemy Crackdowns, Purges and Coups. Duration decreases with the number of control points we are protecting.
    Investigate Alien Activity - Target a site of suspected alien activity to learn more about the aliens' methods and motives.
    Protect Target - Apply my Security or Command attribute to protect a targeted councilor, region, or hab against physical attacks or other operations. Will also prevent councilor from dying in failed assault missions.
    Surveil Location - Significantly increase the likelihood enemy councilors and aliens will be detected in the councilor's region and adjacent regions, or in a hab or fleet. May also detect hidden alien assets in nearby Earth regions.

    There are quite a few missions that can be undertaken, my thoughts on them will be in the reply

    The idea I had for my game what that the agents you send out in the world would be capable of any mission you'd send them on but they'd do it in a way that their skilled allowed, sort of "if you're a hammer everything is a nail" way of thinking and an agent with more experience or training under their belt would have more diverse set of actions to accomplish the goal you've given them. With this approach, my thinking is some agent's methods will simply be less efficient than others, but at the end of the day you as the player still need *thing* done.
    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 92
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Terra Invicta Empty Re: Terra Invicta

    Post by Ginno the Seer Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:44 pm

    So going through the missions one by one I'll examine them in so far as they could be used for my game and what similarities they have to other missions we've looked at from other games.

    I want to say this being first on the list is funny because when talking about my game my go-to example is "kill a guy".
    As far as the mission itself there isn't a lot to say, an NPC needs killing so the player tells an agent to go kill them.

    Assault Alien Asset.
    This won't work for my medieval fantasy game, but in Terra Invicta the overall foe is aliens and they have assets on Earth, which need to be dealt with.

    Assault Enemy Space Asset.
    Other factions need resources too, so inhibiting their means of producing them only makes sense.

    Control Nation.
    In Terra Invicta(TI) the player's influence is measured in what "control points" they own, these points are in nations their number based on how big the nation is. This action takes control of an unowned point. Owning a nation comes with a ton of benefits too much to get into here.

    Control Space Asset.
    Someone builds a space asset, your agent steals it. I could use this idea in my game, likely for stealing some other organization's assets, such as a library or smith.

    Coup d'Etat.
    A target nation's control points become neutral after this mission is successful. This is a bit too dramatic for my game, unlikely to be used.

    This mission removes options of other factions in a contested area, making it easier for the one doing the crackdowning to assert their own interests. This strikes me as a defensive mission since you'd already need to have a lot of influence in an area to have the means to crack down on someone. In terms of my game, if your agents are operating openly and they're cool with local government you could have it help you deal with enemy agents.

    Detain Councilor.
    Capture an enemy agent. Get intel, pretty self explanatory.

    Extract Councilor.
    Free a captured agent, could be a good way of getting favors with another organization.

    Increase Unrest.
    Simply "increase unrest" make the current territory holder have a harder time holding it, in my game there will be more to it than this. You might need to interfere with farms, aid or become criminal elements.

    Improve the loyalty of an agent, besides them turning sides it effects some other stuff. Agent locality won't be a concern in my game.

    Public Campaign.
    Raises public support for your faction, because that's something that is tracked. My game won't have this, the opinions of the common man mean nothing to the player.

    The success effect reads "Gain an owned control point in the targeted nation" which I suppose means that a control point flips ownership. Another way of fighting over territory I guess.

    Sabotage Facilities/Hab Module/Project.
    Each of these are to reduce and lessen a target's progress on a project of some kind. This would be challenging to do in my game considering everything that happens is because of Agents, so any sabotaging wouldn't be a "Sabotage mission" it would just be a mission that happens to counteract another agent's plans.

    Stabilize Nation.
    The opposite of cause unrest. In my game this would be more simple than causing unrest, because all you'd need to do is make the local authorities more effective and they'll do the rest. I suppose you could also just do all the opposite things mentioned in the "cause unrest" mission.

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:51 pm