Heirs of the Coven

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    Nation: Meerah

    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 92
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Nation: Meerah Empty Nation: Meerah

    Post by Ginno the Seer Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:04 pm


    Nation summary:

    This nation is colored purple on the map and is positioned to the south east.

    It occupies the provinces of: Meerah, Green-Marshes, Baypoint, Midge-Fens, Uruk, Umidor, Povonia, Baccar, Mician-Marshes, Gythyth-Mirks.

    It is the second oldest country, once being used as the center for military organization by the Coven.

    The country is ruled by a human King named Eysteinn Harddin. King Eysteinn I was the human face of the revolution that took place 53 years ago, at the beginning of his rule many questioned the former slave's fitness to rule, those that questioned too loudly found their necks resting at an axeman's block.

    Humans are the ruling class, although the humans ruling themselves is little change to before, Drow are in a strange place in society as one one hand they were the unmerciful rules for generations while they simultaneously are why humans rule themselves now, as a result there is an uneasy peace between the two races. The surviving Drow that opposed King Eysteinn I would be either killed or enslaved while the Drow whom assisted him were allowed to keep the majority of their lands and titles.

    The humans who have been granted titles and privileges normally reserved for that of noble blood are, many feel, overzealous. Older nobles fancy themselves heroes for having participated in the revolution thus feel their honor is above approch all times while their (adult)children lack the normal trappings of nobility and very often come to blows with other Noble Houses for the pettiest of reasons. This makes the country a very divided and dangerous place.

    The largest city in Meerah is Ozette, which houses 22 thousand people and is the capital of the country. The country’s total population is 10,752,000.
    Approximately 25% of the county's population is Drow, Humans number at about 70%, miscellaneous slave races make up about the remaining 5%

    Province list:

    Physical Area Meerah covers an area of 26 thousand square miles. Of this, 62% (16 thousand sq. miles) is arable land, and 37% (9862 sq. miles) is wilderness.
    Population Meerah has a total population of 2.6 million people.
    Settlements The largest city has a population of 22 thousand people, the second largest 9081. There are no other cities of note in the kingdom, and 18 towns. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.
    Castles Meerah has 52 active castles and 9 ruined. Of these, 37 castles and 9 ruined are in civilized lands, and 15 castles and 0 ruined are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.

    Physical Area Green-Marshes covers an area of 14 thousand square miles. Of this, 49% (7293 sq. miles) is arable land, and 50% (7334 sq. miles) is wilderness.
    Population Green-Marshes has a total population of 1.1 million people.
    Settlements The largest city has a population of 15 thousand people, the second largest 7572. There are no other cities of note, and 22 towns. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.
    Castles Green-Marshes has 23 active castles and 4 ruined. Of these, 20 castles and 3 ruined are in civilized lands, and 3 castles and 1 ruined are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.

    Physical Area Baypoint covers an area of 28 thousand square miles. Of this, 22% (6325 sq. miles) is arable land, and 77% (21 thousand sq. miles) is wilderness.
    Population Baypoint has a total population of 1.1 million people.
    Settlements The largest city has a population of 17 thousand people, the second largest 8995. There are no other cities of note, and 16 towns. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.
    Castles Baypoint has 22 active castles and 3 ruined. Of these, 18 castles and 3 ruined are in civilized lands, and 4 castles and 0 ruined are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.

    Physical Area Midge-Fens covers an area of 14 thousand square miles. Of this, 30% (4440 sq. miles) is arable land, and 69% (9959 sq. miles) is wilderness.
    Population Midge-Fens has a total population of 576 thousand people.
    Settlements The largest city has a population of 12 thousand people, the second largest 8500. There are no other cities of note, and 20 towns. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.
    Castles Midge-Fens has 11 active castles and 1 ruined. Of these, 8 castles and 1 ruined are in civilized lands, and 3 castles and 0 ruined are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.

    Physical Area Uruk covers an area of 14 thousand square miles. Of this, 15% (2277 sq. miles) is arable
    Population Uruk has a total population of 288 thousand people.
    Settlements The largest city has a population of 8586 people, the second largest 4293. There are no other cities of note, and 16 towns. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.
    Castles Uruk has 5 active castles and 0 ruined. Of these, 4 castles and 0 ruined are in civilized lands, and 1 castles and 0 ruined are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.

    Physical Area Povonia covers an area of 62 thousand square miles. Of this, 37% (23 thousand sq. miles) is arable land, and 62% (38 thousand sq. miles) is wilderness.
    Population Povonia has a total population of 3.7 million people.
    Settlements The largest city has a population of 30 thousand people, the second largest 12 thousand. There are no other cities of note, and 30 towns. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.
    Castles Povonia has 74 active castles and 12 ruined. Of these, 52 castles and 10 ruined are in civilized lands, and 22 castles and 2 ruined are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.

    Physical Area Baccar covers an area of 19 thousand square miles. Of this, 35% (6847 sq. miles) is arable land, and 64% (12 thousand sq. miles) is wilderness.
    Population Baccar has a total population of 1.1 million people.
    Settlements The largest city has a population of 17 thousand people, the second largest 6863. There are no other cities of note, and 4 towns. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.
    Castles Baccar has 23 active castles and 3 ruined. Of these, 14 castles and 2 ruined are in civilized lands, and 9 castles and 1 ruined are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.

    Physical Area Mician-Marshes covers an area of 6000 square miles. Of this, 17% (1073 sq. miles) is arable land, and 82% (4926 sq. miles) is wilderness.
    Population Mician-Marshes has a total population of 120 thousand people.  
    Settlements The largest town has a population of 5196 people, the second largest 2078. There are no other towns of note. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.
    Castles The kingdom of Mician-Marshes has 2 active castles and 0 ruined. Of these, 2 castles and 0 ruined are in civilized lands, and 0 castles and 0 ruined are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.  

    Physical Area Gythyth-Mirks covers an area of 8400 square miles. Of this, 20% (1694 sq. miles) is arable land, and 79% (6705 sq. miles) is wilderness.
    Population Gythyth-Mirks has a total population of 168 thousand people.
    Settlements The largest town has a population of 6558 people, the second largest 3279. There are no other towns of note. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.
    Castles Gythyth-Mirks has 3 active castles and 0 ruined. Of these, 3 castles and 0 ruined are in civilized lands, and 0 castles and 0 ruined are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:10 pm