Heirs of the Coven

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A forum holding the rules of a system and the actions of my players.

    Historical inspirations

    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Historical inspirations Empty Historical inspirations

    Post by Ginno the Seer Mon Feb 14, 2022 3:09 pm

    As you know there are no more new ideas, merely new ways to tell them. This setting is not an exception. I use(read:steal) many historical events for this setting and simply slap my own names onto whatever happened. But knowing that many of my creative decisions are based off of real history just know I'm trying to provide a realistic depiction of a fantasy land for my and your benefit.

    "What were the results first (Drow)Coalition war?"
    They're based on WW1, Drow got put under heavy penalties for their aggressive actions.

    "How did the Coven so easily conquer the world in 17 years?"
    Everyone was weakened by wars, famine, illness and depopulation. All of which the Drow caused over the course of 7 generations.

    "If the Drow were in such a bad place how did they pull that off?"
    Magic, and Demons.

    "What do humans have to do with all this?"
    Well during those 7 generations the Drow were also rising the humans up from their tribal lives into a more developed state. Being from a completely separate landmass nobody was ready for them.

    "What do you mean 'tribal' humans?"
    As I have Native American ancestry, I though it fitting that the humans in this setting share that. As such multiple real life tribes are present.

    "Why did the Coven fall?"
    Because I'm basing their political structure on Rome.
    "Which Rome?" You ask, "The Empire phase lasted between (27 BC – 476 AD) and that's not even talking about the two republic phases. Nor does it consider the changes between the major distinc-"

    History is complicated okay? I'm more invoking the image of Rome rather than stealing a section of its vast history. Just picture scheming politicians, untended metaphorical fires, and lots of infighting.

    "Why is the mainland so fractured after the collapse of the Coven?"
    Because this is inspired by Japan's "Sengoku period" in where the leadership of the country couldn't be the leadership anymore so it suddenly became a free-for-all power vacuum.

    "Why are you telling us all this if the game only takes place on the Human homeland 53 years after the collapse?"
    Because world building is the foundation of which all my following decisions are made.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 5:34 am