Heirs of the Coven

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    Nobility and systems of government.

    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 92
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Nobility and systems of government. Empty Nobility and systems of government.

    Post by Ginno the Seer Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:40 pm

    Any given King could only control his immediate surroundings, this was of course a problem, as such people always want more. Out of this need came feudalism, a king would empower others to rule an area and in exchange they'd give the king taxes and military support when needed. As more lands became involved, so did more people holding more subdivided areas. With the list below, I'll be providing the setting's list of titles and their typical powers and duties.

    This is the highest position, the place from which all other powers are derived. Much like a feudal king, the Governess has the authority to grant and revoke titles. All Earls answer to her. This position is an inherited one, chosen from the oldest of the female children of the previous Governess.

    The power of nobility is measured firstly by land and secondly by population. Earls have the greatest shares of land, each in control of a "Province" of which there are a total of 10 in the nation of Neidrigster-Herrscher.

    Earls hold the title because at a point in the past their family was granted the title by a Governess, the family then passed the title from family-head to family-head. Each Governess holds supreme authority and can legally revoke the title, though the Earl would likely refuse and start a civil war by doing so.

    Earls cannot manage their vast lands personally, so they have the authority to subdivide their granted land. The greatest of these sub-authorities are called "Grenzgebietes" or "Marquess".

    Such persons are the greatest among servants because the land they are granted are border territories, so not only do they have larger armies and more castles, but they also pay less proportional taxes.

    Marquess are considered Greater Nobility and are represented in the Legislative branch.

    Below Marquess are Counts, the land difference is marginal but because of the relative safety and fewer responsibilities Counts pay a higher tax.

    Counts are considered Greater Nobility and are represented in the Legislative branch.

    Baron is a title that can be granted by all other titles above, they typically manage multiple cities and numerous villages, collecting tax on behalf of their direct lord(the title granter).

    Knight is a title that can be granted by all other titles above, they are typically given a Manour, from which they oversee a handful of villages. A Knight has three roles: provide the military portion of taxes, maintain the peace, and bodyguard their direct lord.

    Note: Typically titles are family-hereditary, but there are exceptions. Knightly orders for example are sometimes granted titles and whoever the leader of the Order happens to be will hold the title as the title was awarded to their position and not them personally.

    Branches of Government

    This branch is led by an appointee, a Grand Judge, who answers to the Governess, such a person is typically not a land-holder. The Grand Judge makes use of the system of legal experts and judges that oversee the judgment of crimes and legal disputes.

    This branch also enforces higher laws that apply to landholders to ensure faithful delivery of tithes, levies, tariffs and dues.

    The Hoher Politiker(Drow) name for this group is "Königlicher Rat" which translates to "Leader's Advisors". In the past such persons in the group were totally at the whim of the Governess, but after legal reform the Legislative Branch is now comprised of all Greater Nobility and Church Leaders. In the past such persons were usually in the group, but it was played as a game of favors and uneven privileges. With this reform, all nobility has a chance to be heard.

    The Legislative Branch gathers to discuss matters of governance, especially finance, taxation and war.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:35 pm