Heirs of the Coven

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    Nations summaries

    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Nations summaries Empty Nations summaries

    Post by Ginno the Seer Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:25 pm

    The country is ruled by her Holiness Governess Helethn. Helethn is the great-great-great-great granddaughter of Madam Argis, or as she is better known, Madam Rose. She rules through the church perpetuating the belief that Madam Rose and her more direct daughters were gods, and that she herself is a descendant of divinity.

    Drow are the ruling class, afforded to them all freedoms you might expect from a theocratic society. The Humans in the country are second class citizens, the majority of which are serfs although there are many respected craftsmen and even some lesser Noble Houses composed of humans. There are also numerous other races whom are descendants of slaves from the mainland, their role in society is that of slavery with no hope of advancement.

    The nation of Niedrigster-Herrscher is 1 million square miles and divided between the Governess and 9 Earls.

    The King-Realms of Meerah were once the military hub and mustering point of the Coven of old, since the collapse however a bloody coup organized by two thirds of the Drow nobility saw the ruling Governess deposed. These nobles used the human population as their weapon but their chosen human figurehead became too popular and too powerful to be gotten rid of easily. Since then the Human King Winnetou has ruled, aided by several human lieutenants who have since been elevated to noble status alongside the initial Drow nobles.

    King Winnetou's rule is a tenuous one, plagued by many concerns: The former Governess Sielevi was slain in cold blood by the King which caused the first post-Coven war on the continent. Additionally the King is old and ailing, and without a clear line of succession a crisis is on the horizon.

    The nation of Meerah is 848 thousand square miles divided between its old King and 14 generals who have the authority of Earls.

    Hill-Shah-Yann: 1 million square miles. half the population is horse nomads, other half is settled. Leadership is a republic.

    Dau-tangl: covers an area of 1.1 million square miles. Coven wanna-be, Ruled by a Governess.

    Haudenosaunee:  covers an area of 1.2 million square miles. "Ruled" by a confederation of tribes.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 5:11 am