Heirs of the Coven

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A forum holding the rules of a system and the actions of my players.

    Prototype (2009, 2012)

    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Prototype (2009, 2012) Empty Prototype (2009, 2012)

    Post by Ginno the Seer Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:05 pm

    Prototype 1

    At first glance you might say, "What the hell? A hack and slash power fantasy? What does this have to do with a spy management game?"

    Here me out.

    The player, Alex Mercer, multiple times throughout the story is required to assume the identity of another person.

    Additionally, the core behind the story is a mystery, since Alex has memory loss he has a personal mission to track down anyone and everyone that might know more about what's going on.

    For those that don't know, the plot is something called the "blacklight virus" is causing people to turn into not-zombies and overrun New York as the game progresses. Alex was a whistleblower trying to do the right thing when the company involved shot him dead and he got infected since he also had a sample on him. Now he's an incredibly violent freak who killed hundreds directly, if not more, so this company can be stopped from killing anyone else. In his defense, they try to nuke New York at the end of the game.

    What does this mean for my game?
    A shape-shifter taking any sort of command role, while having replaced someone you trusted, would be extremely detrimental.

    Alex is able to look like anyone he eats, and thus can order airstrikes on targets if he's in a high enough leadership role. In one mission he takes the place of a helicopter pilot so he can capture and eat someone that knows something.

    So basically if you've got a shape-shifter after you, you're dead.

    In terms of missions, I'm sure we could copy the idea of "a chain of people that know only slightly more than the last" to some effect.

    Prototype 2

    In the second game you play as Sergeant Heller, at the start you're tasked with killing Axel Mercer, but you're also just a normal guy.
    After a one sided confrontation, Alex decides Heller should work for him, and gives him a lesser version of his powers.
    You spend some time doing as you're told until Heller finds out his daughter is being held captive by Alex.

    You spend the rest of the game undermining Alex and in the end kill him.

    What's interesting to me in this, is that Alex was going around making mini versions of himself, but they were still their own people with their thoughts and feelings intact hence why Heller did what he did. Though it's worth noting all the people he "evolves"
    are loyal to the point of death, and are on board with is "turn all humanity into a hivemind" plan.

    Alex is going around, effectively replacing important and powerful people with exact copies that are loyal to him.

    I'm wanting an Alex-like character to show up, such a thing would be pretty difficult to deal with.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 4:29 am