Heirs of the Coven

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    Heroes and Villains

    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Heroes and Villains Empty Heroes and Villains

    Post by Ginno the Seer Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:06 pm


    As I've said before, this world is meant to be a grounded fantasy setting. A typical Agent can survive a stab wound if lucky, two if they're big enough, but a Hero could survive 5 or so and keep fighting.

    I'm undecided if a hero should be born or made, maybe both? A person is just built different and destined to be a hero so they are, meanwhile someone who's accomplished enough could gain the status of a hero and the associated buffs.

    A hero would generally try to make the world a better place. This might interfere with your work if you've got an agent fanning the flames of unrest somewhere. Or if you get lucky they'll show up in a place you'd rather be safe and calm.
    A hero would only show up once in a while, like every 100 years or so. But a hero would also rise to try and combat a villain.

    I'm of the opinion Villains should be batshit overpowered. Survive things no person could, have access to skills and resources they reasonably couldn't. All the tropes that make different villain archetypes scary would be on full blast.

    Villains are the kind of Notable that is as powerful as the player, managing multiple agents, is able to plan long-term, but their objective is the destruction of society and rebuilding it in their image.

    Every villain would have a Hero rise up to beat them, and while technically your agents could be sent to do the job, the hero is the only person who can do real damage and kill the villain.

    Last edited by Ginno the Seer on Mon Nov 20, 2023 12:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Heroes and Villains Empty Re: Heroes and Villains

    Post by Ginno the Seer Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:14 pm

    Just off the top of my head, villains could be:

    Lich https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lich

    Barbarian warlord


    Robin Hood (remember you're playing as a Fed)

    Charismatic Rebel leader

    Charismatic Rebel leader(but it's a she a two dudes like her)

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