Heirs of the Coven

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    Hearts of Iron IV

    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Hearts of Iron IV Empty Hearts of Iron IV

    Post by Ginno the Seer Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:36 am

    Taking place during the Second World War Hoi4 has the benefit of semi-modern tech being involved while also being able to draw upon the, embellished, stories to arise from that conflict.


    After investing a resource, civilian factories, for a limited time the player has access to a spy agency.

    The player then chooses from a list of agents to be their first, most of the agents have a visible trait that assists in certain mission types via a percentage bonus.

    The spies themselves
    Each is of a particular gender and nationality, to my knowledge this doesn't affect much gameplay wise.

    There's a certain list of traits each can start with, or earn based on missions preformed.
    I'll reiterate the numbers themselves don't matter since I won't be using them but instead I'm taking the idea as presented by Paradox.

    Safe Cracker - Better at stealing documents and breaking Ciphers
    Seducer - "Infiltration" is safer and more efficient.
    Tough - Takes longer to break under interrogation.

    Commando - More dramatic operations are safer and more likely to succeed
    Demolition Expert - Breaks things faster and for cheaper
    Escape Artist - If captured, slightly easier to rescued via other agents
    Infiltrator - "Infiltration" is safer and more efficient.
    Linguist - If a mission is a success they are more likely to pick up the local language.
    Master Interrogator - Better at inhibiting hostile agents.
    Natural Orator - Better at convincing the people of ideological change, "Coup" is easier and safer.
    Well Groomed - Better at diplomatic actions/missions.

    Mission types

    Admittedly there's good variety here, and fortunately there's a wiki so I can just copy paste a lot of this.

    Counter intelligence
    Counter intelligence is the default mission of an agent not doing anything else. This boosts the Counter Intelligence value for your nation and helps counter enemy spies. There is a chance of killing or capturing enemy spies. Capturing spies yields a one-off and temporal bonus to intelligence.

    Build network
    The Operative will build a network of contacts in an area. Several operatives can help out either to expand the reach of the network or to build it faster. Networks have various passive effects, all for combat.

    Note: One of the advantages is "improve intel advantage in combat locally" which interests me. It conjures an image of troops being unable to trust locals because a few of the locals are informants and keep leaking intel. So that creates the situation where a possible friendly populace is poorly treated by their own national troops on suspicion of all being "in on it". The player sowing chaos to their own advantage.

    Quiet network
    This option freezes the progress of a network and reduces the chances of it being found.

    Boost ideology
    Changes the political balance in a target county, slowly, I don't see this being usful during wartimes.

    Reduces War Support(population's willingness to tolerate wartime conditions) and stability(general unrest I guess? Confidnce in the Government?) anyway is has an arbitrary limit of a 25% reduction so unless your target is messing up their own stats this is basically useless.

    Root out resistance
    Conquered area's populations don't like it when you conquer them, so they resist. This reduces that effect.

    Control trade
    It doesn't do what the name suggests, but rather it boosts the opinion of those you trade with.

    Diplomatic pressure
    Makes the nation pressured to be more accepting of your diplomacy while at the same making it harder for other nations to do diplomacy with the pressured nation. Affects invites to factions and non-aggression pacts. An underwhelming, small boost, useful in edge cases I suppose.

    These are different to missions because you need to do some set up work at the player first.
    Most operations have a "three phase" structure, and each phase needs to roll a dice to see if it gets to the next one. Each Operation also sometimes has costs associated with it, such as a certain amount of guns, factories or support equipment. Three resources that are used in the larger play area.

    They are, as listed:

    Rescue Captured Operative
    Infiltrate Civilian Administration
    Plant False Intelligence
    Capture Cipher
    Infiltrate Army/Navy/Airforce
    Orchestrate Coup
    Strengthen Resistance
    Make Resistance Contacts
    Prepare Collaboration Government
    Coordinated Strike
    Steal Industrial Blueprints
    Sabotage Industry
    Sabotage Infrastructure
    Sabotage Resources
    Steal Military Blueprints
    Steal Naval Blueprints
    Steal Aviation Industry Blueprints
    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Hearts of Iron IV Empty Re: Hearts of Iron IV

    Post by Ginno the Seer Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:31 am

    After playing with the spies some more, I have some thoughts on how the missions are handled.

    The four missions to "infiltrate Civilian/Army/Navy/Airforce" as it turns out are largely useless. Their only function is to enable the "steal blueprints" mission, which doesn't even steal a blueprint from the target it just helps progression in your own research tree and besides the category you have no choice in that blueprint is stolen. If it were me I'd have a lot more going on if the player is able to infiltrate the goddamned army's command structure.

    While playing I was preparing to war with another nation and I got the bright idea to weaken them beforehand. To that end I started infiltrating their various armed forces, as said above it turns out those don't lead anywhere. So then there's another mission "Orchestrate Coup", that sounds more civil-war-ish. Well as it turns out it'll generate rebel forces based on an ideology difference already in the country, my opponent had 100% ideology so that wasn't going to work.
    But then there's the mission "Boost ideology", well as it turns out 5 level one spies can't do a very good job since there was so much ideology support being generated.

    But I find that chain of requirements odd. That I need to do two different missions, for the benefit of a semi-random technology. Similarly to start a civil war all that's required is one mission and a diverse ideological base in a country?

    A lot more could have been done with this but it seems to just have been thrown together.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 4:54 am