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    Star Wars: Empire at war: Forces of corruption

    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Star Wars: Empire at war: Forces of corruption Empty Star Wars: Empire at war: Forces of corruption

    Post by Ginno the Seer Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:49 pm

    This game features three factions fighting over the Star War galaxy in an Grand Strategy+ RTS mix.

    In so far as intelligence agents, options are slim for two of the factions.

    Stealth in this game:
    Certain units are able to move inconspicuously in enemy territory, but only in space, it is impossible to move a Stealth unit aground without starting a fight.

    Empire: Has access to generic bounty hunters and smugglers, such units must be built at a "hutt" building, those slug things Jabba the Hutt is, which can only be built on certain planets.
    Bounty hunters and Smugglers can be fielded in as great a number as the player wishes as they are "minor hero" units.

    Empire also has Jango Fett, which is a radically effective space and land combatant. His Stealth extends to his ability on the Grand Strategy scale to "assassinate" a target hero. The price for this action scales with how important the unit is, as well as Jango's cooldown. If used on a lowly smuggler, Jango becomes available quickly. If Jango "assassinates" a named enemy hero they go on a long cooldown.

    Rebels: They have access to generic bounty hunters and smugglers, same as the empire.

    Rebels have a unique ability "raid" that allows them to send 3 or 4 units to a planet's ground, bypassing the space defenses. If this attack takes over the planet, the space station defending the planet is destroyed, making a follow-up space attack easier.

    Han solo is a Stealth Hero the Rebels have, in combat he's par for hero stats but Chewbacca also appears when combat starts and is able to steal enemy vehicles regardless of cost or size, making him difficult to deal with. On the grand strategy front he acts as a very good version of the generic smuggler.

    C3PO and R2D2, as a pair, are another Stealth Hero the Rebels have, in combat they are able to take control of enemy defensive points such as automated turrets. On the grand strategy front, they steal technology from the empire at a cost, as a means of advancing the rebel tech tree.

    Zann Consortium: Had this faction not been included, this game wouldn't be on the list.

    This faction has access to the "Defiler" a unique unit that can be built anywhere they have a headquarters. This unit is a capable ground combatant, his weapon can kill normal troopers in one hit and he's equipped with a recharging bomb that is very good against vehicles, buildings and troops.

    On the Grand Strategy scale this unit is key to the faction gimmick "corruption", each planet in the galaxy has a unique set of choices such as: Racketeering, intimidation, slavery and more. Certain corruption choices are locked out until other choices elsewhere are made.

    todo: list all choices and their effects
    why: this game is from 2006, nobody cares enough to fill a wiki out for it so I'll need to launch the game myself

    Each "corruption" starts a mission where the player does an RTS mission and can fail, thus wasting the Defiler. Defilers can be fielded in as great a number as the player wishes as they are a "minor hero" unit.

    The Zann Consortium's heroes are all stealth units, most are able to "assassinate".

    Last edited by Ginno the Seer on Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:27 am; edited 1 time in total
    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Star Wars: Empire at war: Forces of corruption Empty Re: Star Wars: Empire at war: Forces of corruption

    Post by Ginno the Seer Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:18 am


    The defiler has some sick voice lines, he's voiced by Steve Blum.
    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Star Wars: Empire at war: Forces of corruption Empty Corruption missions

    Post by Ginno the Seer Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:45 pm

    In no particular order, the missions and their effects.

    Racketeering: Provides 1 time cash bonus, gives cash reward for killing enemy units in combat.

    Intimidation: Disables a planet's special ability
    note: each planet as a certain benefit besides the land, some provide a buff to certain unit while others produce a certain kind of unit faster.

    Corrupt Militia: If a planet has a humanoid population, they'll take a side during combat and this makes it so the population is on your side. If the corruption is removed the planet "revolts" and becomes a neutral planet.

    Black Market: The Zann Consortium improves it tech by setting up black markets and then buying new tech from their own market.

    Piracy: Small payouts for units traveling through area, also gains the ability to build a random enemy ship(chosen for you and its the same one every time).

    Slavery: Allows "recruitment" of weak combat units made to soak up fire.

    Bribery: During combat buildings that produce free troops for the defender will no longer do so, also gain vision on passing fleets.

    Kidnapping: One time payout, is prerequisite for certain other missions.
    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    Star Wars: Empire at war: Forces of corruption Empty Re: Star Wars: Empire at war: Forces of corruption

    Post by Ginno the Seer Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:54 pm

    There are some side-benefits once a planet is corrupted:

    Corruption reduces unit and system infrastructure costs for all factions.

    Corruption allows for access to the base layout for the planet.

    Corruption allows for permanent smugglers.

    Corruption reduces cantina unit costs.

    Corruption allows for access to the system’s information, such as production structures and units

    Turrets built during ground battles persist after.

    Your fleets may pass through the system on a bribe relative to fleet size

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    Star Wars: Empire at war: Forces of corruption Empty Re: Star Wars: Empire at war: Forces of corruption

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