Heirs of the Coven

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A forum holding the rules of a system and the actions of my players.

    NPC classifications and actions

    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 92
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    NPC classifications and actions Empty NPC classifications and actions

    Post by Ginno the Seer Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:42 pm

    This post will mainly focus on what I'm calling "notables", a "notable" is an NPC that makes decisions in the same game space the player occupies.

    So who makes decisions? Agents. Landowners. Faction leaders.

    NPCs will employ agents just as you can. They have the most actions per-tick for three reasons;
    First, they'll be the NPCs your agents contend with the most, so they need to be just as flexible.
    Second, processing power is prioritized to those that have more of an impact on the player.
    Third is flavor text, it's bureaucracy - a king says "Do a thing" people have to go and do a thing, and then come back and tell him about it. Meanwhile, if an Agent feels they need to go do X, Y and Z they just go and do it.

    NPC Agents will have the exact capabilities that your Agents have, they also require training just like yours do. The goal here is a 1:1 comparison.

    The proper lore-title would be "Earl", but not every country in the game uses that title system, so Landowner is best for our purposes.
    Decisions that Landowners make are almost exclusively about the land they own, imagine that. Where an agent might give themselves a task per week (just an example) a landowner can only make a decision once per month. It may be "quell unrest", "train troops", "upgrade infrastructure", decisions that someone who's in control of a large swath of population might make.

    Landowners have their own "skills" system that I think should be rather basic, I'm thinking like five or so skills that are only for the purpose of buffing an action they can take. Off the top of my head they'd "quell unrest", "train troops", "get more taxes", "calm nobles/build relations".

    They'd also have their agents be involved in these actions. As an example, if you, the player is causing unrest and a Landowner takes the "quell unrest" action while their agent is unoccupied the agent would help out with the normal action tree that agents have. If the player's involvement is discovered, the agent may decide that killing your agent is the best way of achieving their given task. The action "quell unrest" has a month-long duration (just an example) if the unrest becomes zero, five days into that action it still goes on for the month, but the agent will not be held up for as long since their actions per month is greater.

    Faction leader
    The proper title here is "Governess", but again, not every country uses that naming convention.
    Their actions are much wider in scope, such as declaring war.
    They have the biggest armies since all the landowners are paying them taxes.
    Ginno the Seer

    Posts : 92
    Join date : 2020-07-20

    NPC classifications and actions Empty Re: NPC classifications and actions

    Post by Ginno the Seer Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:47 pm

    My thinking is that landowners will be limited to two agents each, or maybe a stat investment is needed to raise their limit. But at the same time, each landowner wouldn't necessarily have an agent to begin with.

    Faction leaders on the other hand would absolutely have multiple agents

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:10 pm